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Research Interests

Research in the Truex lab is devoted to developing protein technologies that draw inspiration from nature and solve real-world problems. Our group is currently focusing on two classes of protein technologies. The first leverages automated flow protein synthesis (AFPS) to give access to novel synthetic proteins that cannot be prepared by other methods. The second technology uses DNA-binding proteins called artificial transcription factors (ATFs) to improve the control of immune function at the transcriptional level. Peptides and proteins serve as our primary tools for research in the lab. Individual projects focus on protein engineering and screening, chemical and peptide synthesis, recombinant protein expression, and biophysical and biological characterization. Please explore our site to learn more about our projects and publications aimed at achieving our goal.

Dr. Nicholas Truex
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Graduate Science Research Center
631 Sumter St.
Columbia, SC 29208


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